Disease in a Can
Out of over 100 soft drinks and other beverages
analyzed by the government, five contained levels of benzene
-- a cancer-causing chemical linked to leukemia -- that exceed federal standards set for benzene in drinking water, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
... Aside from the potential benzene risks, MindConnection has compiled a thorough article on all of soft drinks' potential health threats.
Soft drinks, they say, could rightfully be called:
Osteoporosis in a can Diabetes in a can
Cancer in a can
Bloomberg.com May 20, 2006
Yahoo News May 19, 2006 MindConnection
Dr. Mercola's Comment: I am still shocked every time I reflect on the fact that the number one source of calories in America comes from soda. We clearly have a long way to go to share even the most fundamental, basic nutrition concepts to the typical highly deceived and manipulated American consumer
... Related Articles: The Real Dangers of Soda to You and Your Children The Amazing Statistics and Dangers of Soda Pop Soda Drinkers Have Higher Cancer Risk
TRUST GOD. Simplify your diet and lifestyle! Drink water, exercise, eat 80% fresh fruits and vegetables ... START TODAY!