The Asian Goji berry
is traditionally regarded as a longevity and strength-building food
of the highest order
goji berries contain
18 kinds of amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen)
all 8 essential amino acids (such as isoleucine and tryptophan)
up to 21 trace minerals
(mainly zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, and phosphorus)
the richest source of carotenoids,
including beta-carotene (more than carrots)
500 times the amount of vitamin C, by weight, than oranges,
vitamins B1, B2, B6,
vitamin E,
11 mg of iron per 100 grams
The goji berry is a godsend.
It promotes health in many ways:
builds the immune system.
promotes healthy blood pressure: strengthens the heart.
improves memory functions.
maintains normal blood sugar levels,
helps reduce cholesterol.
enhances hormonal functions and treat dysfunctions.
relieves headaches and dizziness.
relieves insomnia and improves the quality of sleep.
improves appetite and digestion.
maintains eye health and can improve vision.
supports healthy liver and kidney functions.
strengthen bones and muscles.
alleviates stress and anxiety,
and can promote cheerfulnes.
activates anti-inflammatory enzymes
Bovis Energy Scale
Dr Rick Hansell examined Goji against other Juices.
Bovis Energy Rating:
Noni ----17,000
Sea Silver----24,000
Limu plus----54,000
What is the Bovis Energy Scale?
Thanks to a French researcher in the 1930's
by the name of Antoinne Bovis,
we have a means to measure
the"life force" or "natural earth energy"
present in water, plants, rock formations and the like.
For example,
human beings show a reading on the Bovis scale of 6,500.
Scientific research has correlated the clockwise or right spin
of atoms and molecules with a Bovis reading below 6,500
is neutral for humanlife (i.e. life-depleting),
and anything registering above 6,500
is essentially energy invigorating or enhancing to us.
Environmental readings below 6,500 are the effect of
underground streams, geological faults, and Earth'smagnetic grids.